Blog Postings
Creating Characters
September 6, 2014
Twice while writing Fealty to the King I found myself at my keyboard thinking,
What is Fealty?
July 2, 2014
I'm surprised more people don't know what fealty means. To say it in two
World Building
June 17, 2014
I never decided one day to create a world. It merely happened over many
Historical Fantasy?
May 31, 2014
When somebody asked me about my book, I couldn't easily fit it into a broad
The Joy of Writing
May 28, 2014
Here it is, the first posting for my book website blog. As I realize my lifelong
The Joy of Writing
May 28, 2014 - Here it is, the first posting for my book website blog.
As I realize my lifelong dream of publishing a book, I intend to blog about the creative process, among other things.
The joy of writing comes from creating a story. I'm in total control, like being God. If I need somebody to accomplish some purpose, I create a character.
If I need a circumstance for something to happen, I arrange it. I even can make the weather whatever I want. It's so much fun!
I don't mean to be disrespectful by feeling like God when I write. God is a creative being, and since he made us in his image, we're creative beings.
Creating something, accomplishing some purpose, is enjoyable because that's what God means for us to do, just as he means for birds to fly and fish to swim.
If my writing entertains anybody, making them laugh, or causes them to think, considering something they haven't contemplated before, so much the better!
I don't want to write only for myself, but to connect with my readers on a meaningful level.
Milo Swanton